#1) Know the Competition A manufacturer that uses GoldMine wanted to keep a better handle on the market share they and their competition had. Knowing that their sales reps are speaking to the same national pool of dealers, they recognize that this would be possible if the reps asked certain...
Big Brother
Just because people love to hate the "big brother" aspect of CRM, doesn't mean it is not a valid application for the tool. Sure there are better ways to manage and motivate people than to spy on them and hover over their shoulder. You can choose what to do with...
By The Numbers
Selling has been called a "numbers game." Clearly it is much more than that. However, it's obvious that sales and marketing depend, in part, on getting out there and reaching as many as you can. While rejection is unavoidable, any sales professional also recognizes the need to reach enough targeted...
Database Fundamentals
Before anyone started using the term CRM, direct marketers were using databases. And, while CRM is the latest buzz, direct marketing gurus have been telling marketers about database fundamentals before Elan Susser (inventor of GoldMine) wrote his first line of code. The fundamentals are still relevant. Fortunately, however, GoldMine makes...
Default Doesn’t Mean Better
There's a tendency for GoldMine Administrators to leave it up to the GoldMine user to change their "User Preferences" (Edit > Preferences). The assumption being that since they are "User Preferences" the user should do it themselves. This is reasonable; however, practically speaking, most users don't get around to making...
Exercise Your Rights
GoldMine offers powerful security capabilities. To be based on each "user's properties." However, the security is only as effective as you've set it up. Since GoldMine is designed by default to give users almost complete access to menus and your data, it is imperative that consideration is given and steps...
Score Your Success
How do you measure GoldMine® Success™? Test your GoldMine® Success™ by answering the questions below. Consider whether your organization is doing the ten things below with GoldMine. In each case that you are give yourself 10 points. Total your score to see how you are doing with GoldMine. (Or, for...
Fielding Questions
How you capture information is crucial for later use. If we're making the effort to ask intelligent qualifying questions, then we also can benefit by databasing the answers in predetermined GoldMine fields. Unlike "Notes", fields are superior for filtering, reporting, sorting and analyzing. Marketing campaigns can be targeted. Sales activities...
You’ve Gotta Fax
Not too long ago faxes would be announced each time one was received. Nowadays, as email inboxes and snail-mail boxes get bloated, targeted broadcast faxing is still a medium that reaches decision makers with a hard-copy printed page. Unlike email that is often deleted based on the subject alone before...
Cloning Condoned!
There may be a lot of controversy over human cloning, but when it comes to GoldMine, cloning lets you play it safe and save time. The concept of cloning in GoldMine is simply a way of creating an exact duplicate of something. Why clone? There are basically two reasons: To...