Hardbounce Email Removal Options for GoldMine CRM

In this video demonstration I show you several different ways of removing/processing Hardbounce Emails from your GoldMine CRM when you send bulk email campaigns regardless of what email marketing system you may be using, ie Constant Contact, Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, SendGrid, etc. I also show you how to identify malformed/bad...

STOP using MS WORD to create/design your email campaigns

In this video tutorial/demonstration I discuss why you SHOULD NOT use MS WORD to create/start/design an email or email template in GoldMine CRM. We've had numerous customers who have done this over the years and have had mixed results when it comes to sending, getting their emails delivered and having...

HTML Email Design Tips/Tricks for GoldMine CRM

In this video tutorial I demonstrate several ways to design a simple HTML email that has structure and formatting that will make your emails look better and more professional. You don't have to know HTML/CSS to be able to design a fancy HTML email with graphics and complex layouts, it...

SMS integration with GoldMine

In this video presentation I demonstrate the potential to integrate an SMS Service such as ClickSend.com with GoldMine CRM. This video talks about the possibilities for integrating GoldMine with an SMS Service and potentially other Cloud Service providers using a webhook and a self-hosted RESTful (web based) API for GoldMine....