Blocked and Banned – Now What?

Too much of anything, even a good thing, can lead to problems. So it is with the popular use of SPAM email and mass faxing. With anti-spam blocking and FCC banning unsolicited faxes, what are businesses to do? To begin with, careful attention to documenting and honoring opt-in and requests...

To Give or Not To Give

Ok, you have your GoldMine installed and you want to add a user.  You open up the User Settings and click ‘New’.  You fill in the desired username, full name and the password.  You also see this curious checkbox with the word ‘Master Rights’.  You are not exactly sure what...

Don’t Keep GoldMine a Secret

The public relations department of a firm that already owned GoldMine was in need of a solution to help them with their responsibilities.  It was by chance that they discovered that their company owned GoldMine software and sales people were already using it.  PR folks decided to take a closer...

Increase Selling Time

Here’s a little circular logic that’s worth thinking about.  Increase sales by increasing selling time by decreasing non-selling time.  It’s really very simple.  A sales guru put it this way, “Sales people should sell, and everybody else should do everything else.”  First let me explain and then I’ll tell you...

GoldMine Can Decide What To Do For You

This article begins with the premise that you already know what GoldMine Automated Processes (AP) are.  What you may not recognize is that one of most important GoldMine Automated Process may be the one that decides which other Automated Processes should be assigned to a record(s). Automated Processes (AP) can...

Ways We Work Together

So much focus is given to how GoldMine is used for sales and marketing that we sometimes overlook GoldMine’s tremendous value as an interoffice workgroup solution.  Nearly 15 years ago, before MS Windows was even introduced, the founders and creators of GoldMine, Jon Ferrara and Elan Susser, had the vision...

New GM+View Tab

Does Your Organization Make Use of the GM+Views Tab? (polls) The GM+View tab allows you to create a completely customizable information page using the capabilities of HTML. You can configure it to insert linked images and documents, insert GoldMine fields, and display graphics. The information in the GM+View tab is...

Small Call Center with Big Capabilities

A successful national human resources firm, which does lead generation for its national field sales force, decided to equip a small internal sales call center (2-3 telemarketers) with GoldMine. Previously, all tracking, reporting and follow-up was done manually. In fact, the telemarketers didn't even have computers! The project leaders evaluated...

When You Know You’re Really Using Your CRM

One tell tale way to know if you're really using your CRM/Sales Automation System is whether you're relying on reports. Rolling up data into useful views can serve any number of purposes, from pipeline to market analysis. Successful reporting, which is akin to successful CRM, depends on good data integrity...

Fewer Steps – More Results

It just stands to reason that the more steps to complete a task, the longer it takes. When it comes to redundant types of tasks, reducing steps is key to increasing productivity. One thing GoldMine enables you to do is to eliminate steps, a.k.a."mouse clicks." Sales Automation is one of...