Overlooked Details Translate Into Missed Opportunities

What we sometimes take for granted as salespeople can dampen marketing effectiveness. A lack of record details can mean the difference between one prospect being sent a campaign and another being overlooked. Marketing and sales should be a symbiotic relationship. An action in one area supports and compliments an action...

Auto-fill Saves Time and Improves Data Quality

GoldMine's "AutoUpdate" feature within the GoldMine system Lookup.ini allows you to automatically populate the data in fields to save time and improve data quality. Some common examples of when it is appropriate to do so include: ■Entering Territory and/or Sales Rep based on State or Logged-in User ■Entering "User Login"...

Tag Your Way to a Better Follow-up

You can use GoldMine's "tagging" feature to select records for targeted follow-up. Tagging is a means of building a temporary filter. You can tag records on the Contact Listing, Members in Groups, and Records on the Activity List. To Tag records, hold your "Control Key" down and select items from...

Use the Group Reference for Easy Reference

When building and managing Groups in GoldMine, you can opt to have any Contact1 or Contact2 field displayed in the "Reference" column of the Group. Often this data can be helpful to view data from the record when viewing and working with Group Membership. To populate the Reference column with...

Internet Searches Made Easy

If you turn to the Internet to find out more information about a contact in our database you’ll love this. (e.g. driving directions, company research, etc.)  By customizing GoldMine’s Internet Search feature you can automatically pass necessary GoldMine Record information to web forms. Let’s look at the following example, using...

Better Task Delegation

A mortgage finance firm looking for a better way to delegate interoffice action requests immediately recognized the benefits of GoldMine's new Global Task Bar. Their Mortgage Processors regularly need to ask certain staff to order credit reports, title reports, payoff statements, etc. The people who perform those actions then let...

What If You Took Away Outlook?

Perish the thought of taking away Outlook? Maybe not! Believe it or not, there are thousands of GoldMine users who have no need for Microsoft Outlook and many who frankly don't miss it a bit. While at the same time GoldMine offers more features for integrating with your Microsoft Outlook...

Make Your “LM” More Effective

Since it is so common to be put into voicemail on prospecting/sales calls, consider an alternative approach that leverages GoldMine in order to make more effective use of your "LM" (Left Message) calls. Here is a strategy you or your whole sales force can deploy to make the most of...

“Return to Sender” takes on a New Meaning

I don't suppose your prospects generally take the time to tell you that your decision maker has left their company and to please redirect all future sales and marketing communications to the new person who has replaced them. (Yeah right!) Maybe your customers even forget to do this. Suppose there...

Managing Multiple Email Accounts

Remember when we used to ask, "Do you have an email address?" Now the question is, "Which email address do you want me to use." If you're managing multiple email addresses/accounts yourself, you can use your GoldMine email Center to retrieve emails from all your accounts. Goldmine has the ability...