Auto-fill Saves Time and Improves Data Quality

GoldMine’s “AutoUpdate” feature within the GoldMine system Lookup.ini allows you to automatically populate the data in fields to save time and improve data quality. Some common examples of when it is appropriate to do so include:

■Entering Territory and/or Sales Rep based on State or Logged-in User
■Entering “User Login” name for appropriate sales rep to work in conjunction with Automated Processes
■Entering a numeric total into a field based on the sum of other numeric fields
You can configure GoldMine to update fields automatically when a user either creates a contact record or enters data in specified fields by Including the [AutoUpdate] section in LOOKUP.INI.

To configure GoldMine to update one or more fields automatically when a user creates a contact record include the following statement in the [AutoUpdate] section in LOOKUP.INI.


Example 1.

This will update the Key1 field whenever a contact record is created. To specify the value to appear in the Key1 field, add a [Key1] section to LOOKUP.INI.

Example 2.

JDOE=John Doe

This will place the full name of user JDOE in the Key1 field.

Example 3.


This will update the Rep field in every new contact record with Jon when the State entry is CA, with Mike when the State entry is NY, and with Mark for any other State entry.

Updating Fields upon Record Creation

You can configure GoldMine to update fields automatically when a user enters data in specified fields by including the [AutoUpdate] section in LOOKUP.INI. Place the following setting(s) in the [AutoUpdate] section of LOOKUP.INI. field a=field b will update field b when a user types a value in field a.

For example:


This will update the SalesRep field as soon as a user types a value in the State field, and will update the Key5 field as soon as a user types a value in the Zip field.

You can set GoldMine to update multiple fields when a user types a value in one field.

For example:


State=uSalesRep, Key1

This will update both the SalesRep field and the Key1 field when a user types a value in the State field.

Creating Auto-fill expressions can be more challenging than many of the ordinary GoldMine administrator functions, so it may be a good idea to work with your Solution Partner for assistance.