GoldMine 2024.1 and 2024.2 Released

What’s Fixed in GoldMine Version 2024.1

  • Outlook Sync warning for different Time Zones appears when Operating System language has been changed and cannot be adjusted correctly
  • GoldMine Plus Outlook Using Exchange Server mailbox with cached mode (recommended by GoldMine) + using autolinking Sent >> sent email will always be replaced by the Exchange Server with an unlinked copy of the sent email
  • GoldMine Web – iPhone Safari/Mac OS Safari/iOS Chrome/Firefox – User cannot log in and gets always You are already logged in as: MASTER logout and try again
  •  GoldMine Link Outlook: Using Exchange Server/Office 365 mailbox with cached mode (recommended by GoldMine) >> sent email will always be replaced by the Exchange/Office365 Server with a copy of the sent email which may then be unlinked
  • Automated Processes – Emails sent by selected user – Emails will queue into attaching user’s outbox but also in selected user’s outbox – if the selected user will not care about these Outbox emails they may be stuck there
  • Scheduled recurring meeting invite cancellation emails show the wrong time for GoldMine users.
  • GoldMine Emails – Replying to emails show different times in original message (GMT time +/- xxxx) which confuses users and on longer email threads the sent and received times can be completely different than expected.
  • Email Center – Background retrieved email release selection of emails in the inbox although FolderRefreshDelay is set to not refresh the Email Center folders
  • My GoldMine – Failed to load for most pre-defined RSS feeds (E.g. also default Ivanti RSS feed)
  • When a user remains on the online folder until disconnected and deletes an email, it appears as if the email is deleted, but it isn’t
  • When sending emails, they stay in the outbox, and errors e.g., firewall block or wrong account settings. However, the emails have been sent successfully, so there are now 2 records of the same email (History and Outbox/Pending)
  • Task Manager reveals gmw.exe Credentials, also Windows Services >> GoldSync Service properties
  • Default email account changes sporadically, usually when replying to emails that were received from a different account (still in 2023.2 and 2023.3)
  • Next and Previous are not working correctly when browsing through a lot of contacts (also when a large filter is active) – Skips suddenly 1000s of records, and users cannot get anything in between
  • GoldMine Link for Outlook – Sent attachments are added multiple times in the Links tab when the AutoName assignment is necessary.
  • Incomplete or no results are returned for reports where at least one record is completely curtained.
  • When the Record Type rule contains Field value-based selection and uses a user-defined field >> The GoldMine Connect Log file records constant error: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  • GoldMine Link for Microsoft Outlook: Unlink emails on masse of the same contact record results always in a 0 emails unlinked message when the contact record (RECID) is not available anymore
  • GoldMine Link for Microsoft Outlook: Outlook Link doesn’t automatically link to OTHER emails


What’s Changed in GoldMine Version 2024.2

GoldMine Connect 

  • Upgraded the JQuery-UI library to 1.13.2
  • Upgraded the Moment library to 2.30.1

What’s Fixed in GoldMine Version 2024.2

  • Scrolling through History skips entries when an activity was opened to verify e.g. Notes of the activity
  • GoldMine Synchronization will not receive email attachments on the recipient’s side although the attached file is in the transfer set.
  • Grid filter/behavior wrong in the Contact List View when Deactivating and Reactivating a Filter
  • Regression – GoldMine Link for Microsoft Outlook – Emails do not link anymore to Additional contact records
  • Meeting request response time listed as GMT Time when using POP3 email accounts