Where Do Your Web Leads Go?

With all the PPC spending going on one must assume there’s a lot of websites getting hits.  Where do all those web leads end up?  It’s one thing to generate a hit, another to keep them from bouncing off your site, and another to bring them into your organization’s house-file. ...

Need Mailing Labels?

Tis the season to be mailing … cards, calendars, gifts!  So it’s time to dust off your GoldMine label reports.  Since some of you may be rusty, here are some thoughts on the subject. Printing mailing labels for Primary contacts is generally not much of a problem.  You just need...

wMobile – Wireless CRM

The wMobile product enables users to have live wireless access to a GoldMine based CRM system from their handheld device. Users can access all contact information contained on a GoldMine contact record including information in customized GoldMine fields. Users can add and edit contact information with updates instantly available on the...

Managing Better with GoldMine Record Typing

Sometimes managing people is better accomplished by managing the technology they use.  This certainly can be the case when it comes to your GoldMine database.  Data quality, which I’ll define as accuracy and completeness, is largely in the hands of your users.  What they do each time they’re on record...

To Sell More…Do More!

As some of my readers know, First Direct Corp. has won more than our share of sales awards. I could point to a few different reasons for this, but the one I wish to focus on in this article is one you can all benefit from. It’s also one that seems terribly...

Import Excel Data into GoldMine

Have you ever tried to import contact data from Excel into GoldMine? If so you've probrobly run into some trouble. The best way is to save the contact data stored in a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet as a dBASE IV (.dbf) file and then import those contacts into GoldMine using the...

HTML Editing Options

It would be nice if GoldMine’s email editor offered as many features as Outlook. The most common HTML editing functions/actions are available on the email composition toolbar, but here are a few features that GoldMine offers that users are often not aware of. Bullets – Adding bullets to emails is...

Creating a Professional e-Mail Signature

You may send dozens, if not hundreds, of email messages every day. Something as simple as a professional email signature says a lot about you and your organization, and gives contacts everything they need to reach you and learn more. A signature file may or may not contain an actual...

Where Does GoldMine Store Organization Charts?

Organization Tree Data is stored in the “CONSUPP” Table under the RecType “O.” Here is how the ConSupp Fields are used: Fieldname Used For (Data Stored In) ACCOUNTNO AccountNo of the Linked Record RECTYPE “E” CONTACT Date/Time AP was attached. In format: YYYYMMDDHH:MM:SS CONSUPREF Next event to be triggered. Duplicate...