For all the talk and attention that the Internet, Mobile, and Social Media are getting, one might think "Print" is dead.  Wrong.  In fact, the facts might surprise you. Recently I came across an article on a blog of the firm, MindFire Inc.  They produce innovative automation software, called MindFire...

Audacious Honesty as a Sales Strategy

au·da·cious /ôˈdāSHəs/ (adjective) - showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks. synonyms: bold, daring, fearless, intrepid, brave, courageous, valiant, heroic, plucky. hon·es·ty ˈänəstē/ (noun) - the quality of being honest. synonyms: integrity, uprightness, honorableness, honor, morality, morals, ethics, principles, high principles, righteousness, right-mindedness. Sales can be thought of as...

The Name Behind the Software: Who Owns GoldMine Software

Since First Direct started using and selling GoldMine software nearly 25 years ago, the program has changed ownership hands a few times.  From the original entrepreneurs who started the firm, to the firm out of South Africa that acquired it first, Bendata, to the present owners.  Along the way, the...

QuoteWerks and ‘QuickBooks Online’ Integration

The QuickBooks Online Integration enables users to quickly, easily, and accurately send any QuoteWerks document to QuickBooks Online as an Estimate, Invoice, Sales Receipt, or Purchase Order. Once exported, QuoteWerks will: Create items that do not currently exist Create customers that do not currently exist Write all line items into...

Linking Outlook Email of a MAC User to GoldMine Records

Recently I had a customer who is using Outlook on a MAC and wanted a way to have their email copied/linked to respective records on their firm's GoldMine database.  The key distinction is the fact that they are a MAC user, not a PC user.  With Outlook on a PC...

Protect your GoldMine data from… you!

Sometimes, we can be our own worst enemy. Everybody makes mistakes, we're human after all. And a simple little mistake can cause big problems. Have you ever deleted a GoldMine contact by accident? Then all the years of emails and history linked to that contact are gone. Yes, the data...