Every database software has "system fields" The system fields that users are familiar with are the ones we edit. For example in GoldMine there are fields where one enters the company name and the contact name, etc. In addition, there are fields which store data that the software system updates...
Category: Did You Know?
New IntelliClick Version Available
IntelliClick 2020.9.15 version is now available. You can update IntelliClick by clicking here and following the instructions on the download page. You may be also prompted for the update, the next time you access the IntelliClick Wizard. This latest release has been tested and confirmed compatible with the latest GoldMine 2020.1.xx version...
How to eliminate or suppress blank spaces and/or blank lines within GoldMine Word templates?
Within GoldMine there may exist some contact records that have a value in a field, and some records that do not. Like this: and also like this: when performing mail merges the letter for the second contact shows undesired blanks or even blank lines. Is there a way to suppress...
What You Can Do with Additional Contacts in GoldMine
GoldMine Premium CRM is one of the few CRM applications which allows users to store "additional contact" information within a GoldMine Contact Record. So while there is a always a "Primary Contact" in the "Primary View" (top half) of a GoldMine Record, there is also a Tab for other Contacts...
Do you use Microsoft Word for creating/writing your email content?
Microsoft Word is not designed/ment to create clean, compatible HTML email code. Microsoft Word is a word processor ment for printing documents. Below I'll explain why you should NEVER create email content in a Microsoft Word document and provide a better alternative. What's Wrong with Text copied from Microsoft Word?...
Quick Way to View or Analyze Activities in GoldMine
Here's a tip for a quick way to view OR to get a count of GoldMine users' closed activities. By activities I am specifically referring to: Calls (unscheduled incoming and outgoing, scheduled) Appointments Next Actions Sales (closed, lost) Forms Other Actions To-dos Literature Requests Email Messages FOR A VIEW: STEP...
Personalizing GoldMine Emails with Custom Fields
Personalizing emails is a great way to break through. The more personalized and relevant your message the more likely you are to receive a response. The most obvious first step is the creation of a list that is suitable for your message. GoldMine fields are the basis for creating targeted...
How to make GoldMine “the default email client” in Windows 10
Have you ever wondered if it was possible to make GoldMine the default email client when you clicked on mailto/email links in web pages? If you have a 64 bit version of Windows 10 then here is the solution. NOTE: Please be very cautious when implementing this solution. Making changes to...
The Importance of Using GoldMine Email Merge Codes
GoldMine makes it very easy for anyone to send mass/bulk emails to their contacts (customers, prospects, vendors, etc.) However, unlike most email marketing systems, GoldMine does not have a subscriber list feature, at least not in the traditional sense. Instead of adding email addresses to a subscriber list, in GoldMine...
GoldMine assistance during down time
If your business has seen a slow down due to the Coronavirus, now is a great time to focus your time on cleaning-up and improving your GoldMine CRM System. The following are just some of the things you can be doing to prepare for when business starts to pick-up again:...