The Importance of Using GoldMine Email Merge Codes

GoldMine makes it very easy for anyone to send mass/bulk emails to their contacts (customers, prospects, vendors, etc.) However, unlike most email marketing systems, GoldMine does not have a subscriber list feature, at least not in the traditional sense. Instead of adding email addresses to a subscriber list, in GoldMine you update each email address with an email merge code and each email address can have several merge codes assigned to it, similar to adding that email to multiple/different subscriber lists.

The other important thing that you must know/understand about GoldMine is that there are 3 different types of email addresses that can be associated with a single GoldMine record. They are as follows:

  1. Primary e-mail address, this is the primary contacts primary email address and the email address that you see in the main screen.
  2. Additional  e-mail addresses, these are all the email addresses that are associated with an additional contact
  3. Other email addresses, these are email addresses that are associated with the primary contact record but are not marked as the primary email address.

If you want to send your newsletter to only the contact records in your GoldMine database that have subscribed to it then the ONLY way to target specific email addresses in GoldMine is to use an email merge code. For example, lets use the letter N as a merge code to indicate that an email address should receive your Newsletter, when you go to send/queue your email campaign in GoldMine there is an option to limit the sending of the email campaign to only those email addresses that have a merge code CONTAINING the value you supply, in this case the letter N.

Please Note: If you use the letter “N” as a merge code to represent Newsletter recipients, then no other merge code value can contain the letter N. For this reason, I recommend using only 1 letter for a specific merge code value. There are 15 characters total that can be stored in the Email Merge Code field and if each merge code is separated by a comma that leaves a total of 8 merge code possibilities for each email address. So choose your merge codes wisely, and once you have a coding system in place don’t change it.

Here are some merge code ideas/sample values:

N = Newsletter
K = Key Contact
B = Blog
P = Promotional
A = Administrative


IntelliClick Email Merge Code Data Management Tools