Another Year Wiser – Humor for the holidays

With the holiday's upon us, and another New Year about to be marked, I suspect we all are feeling the a little bit older.  This post is dedicated to growing wiser, in the spirit of holiday laughter.  Humor is a funny thing - not everyone finds the same things funny,...

3 Must Have Apps for Building an Effective Internal Communications Strategy

The more effectively and efficiently an organization communicates internally, the greater that organization’s ability will be to serve its external prospects and customers! There are various technology tools to help with communication. What Modernist architect Louis Sullivan said in the 1930’s is still true today – “Form Follows Function.”  This...

Using Color to Support Your Message

COLOR WHEEL: Graphic designers, interior decorators, and of course behavioral psychologists, have long made conscious use of color to create a mood or associate a feeling with their presentation. The color wheel is a tool that any design professional can quickly put their hands on. But many of us in...

Killer App – Email Templates

You’d have to live under a rock to not be using Email today. But a lot of businesses have failed to take advantage of one of the great features in most email applications – Templates. Simply put, an email template is a pre-written, pre-designed, and stored email that is ready...

Managing Failure On The Road to Success

In the competitive arena of sales, and generally where people’s activities are concerned, most of the emphasis is on recognizing and rewarding success.  There is little attention given to failure.  We tend to reward success and tell people to “keep up the good work.” Failure is success inside out: It...

Scarier Than Any Halloween

Are you protected against Ransomware?  There are a few different types of ransomware that vary from annoying to destructive.  Their intended purpose is to keep you from using your computer in the ways you normally would.  This can range from not allowing you to run certain applications to encrypting all...

Ignore at Your Own Risk

In the world of information technology, bad things happen. Viruses, hardware failure, hackers, human error, natural disasters… to name a few.  And by some accounts, a shocking 70% of businesses that suffer a major data loss, are out of business within 18 months.  While, we try our best to protect...

Thinking About The "R" in CRM

If your business wants strong relationships with your customers, prospects, and vendors, consider ways you can use your CRM, customer RELATIONSHIP management software, to put more emphasis on the meaning of a "relationship." While sales is certainly the lifeblood of a business, it's important not to lose sight of how...

CRM as a Competitive Advantage

What business doesn’t have competition?  And, what business isn’t looking for a competitive advantage?  The more useful question worthy of answering is, “how can you gain a competitive advantage?”  Let me offer you an answer you may not have considered! I won’t pretend to tell you I know how to...

Now that you own GoldMine CRM Software … So What?

In a perfect world, you could purchase software and it would do all the work for you.  I'm not just talking about installing or signing up for the software;  I'm talking about it performing all the functions it is designed for.  Like I said, in a perfect world.  Now let's...