Attention all GoldMine Master Rights users!!!   GoldMine Premium has certain reserved "System Fields" that are hidden.  Problem is that you can "blow-up your database" if you happen to use them in the creation of your custom fields.  Therefore, an unsuspecting person, or even a knowledgeable GoldMine administrator can inadvertently create a...

Missing Primary Email Addresses

GoldMine has long allowed users to store multiple email addresses in a contact record.  It’s not uncommon for someone to have multiple email addresses, let alone the email addresses associated with additional contacts within the same GoldMine record.  By the same token only one address can be marked (identified) as...

Speeding Up Your Email Center

If you are finding your GoldMine Email Center slow (when moving from one Email to another, deleting, replying, or filing Emails) you may want to turn off the “Sync Contact” feature that keeps the GoldMine Contact Record in sync with the your email center. This capability can be toggle “on/off”...

Opening Multiple Contact Windows

Did you know that you can have more than one GoldMine Contact Record tab opened at the same time? It’s easy – from the “Window” pull down menu in GoldMine Premium simply select “New Contact Window.” At times when you are trying to go back and forth between two contact...

Process Monitor Stuck and WILL NOT Open

In the event a GoldMine Premium Edition user’s “Process Monitor” becomes stuck in a docked position or it will not open the following should release it: - Have the user log out of GoldMine - Log into SQL Management Studio - Select the Goldmine database - Expand the tables - Look for...

Add Any GoldMine Menu Choice to Your GoldMine Toolbar

The “toolbar” displays in a much more readable fashion in GoldMine Premium. It also takes up less space. It’s definitely worth revisiting your GoldMine toolbar and making sure you’ve added icons (shortcuts) for the functions that you use frequently, especially now that it’s so easy to add any menu choice...