GoldMine SQL Query – Duplicate Records based on Company

Many clients have databases that have duplicate records. The SQL query below will return information based on the company name being duplicated in the database. select company,contact,address1, address2, zip,phone1 from contact1 where company <>'' and company in (select company from contact1 group by company having count(*) >1) order by company

How to Properly Backup Your GoldMine Database.

For GoldMine Standard Edition (dBase) Do not rely on GoldMine's backup utility. The best way to back up GoldMine is to copy the entire goldmine folder (and its contents) to another location.  You can do this manually with a copy/paste or you can use any number of backup software programs or...

GoldMine SQL Query- Additional Contacts and Email Address with Email & Mail Merge Code

The following is a SQL Query that will display Additional Contacts with their Mailing Address, Email Address and the associated Email Merge Code and Mail Merge Code. select c1.accountno, c1.key1,,, ac.state, ac.mergecodes, em.contsupref, em.mergecodes, substring(em.mergecodes,1,1) as CHECKED from contact1 c1 join contsupp ac on c1.accountno=ac.accountno join contsupp em...

GoldMine SQL Query To Display Undeliverable / Malformed Emails

The following SQL Query will display all the email addresses in your GoldMine database that will not be deliverable if you attempt to send to the contacts associated with the email address.  Running this query will allow you to update/correct the addresses and cleanse your database for better email marketing....

How to Copy/Move Contacts From One GoldMine Database to Another

Many GoldMine users prefer to have seperate databases for their Prospects and Customers, and when a Prospect finally becomes a Customer they simply Copy/Move the contact from the "Prospects" Database to the "Customers" Database. Here is how to do it: 1. Ensure you have current backups of both databases. 2. In...

How Many Emails Can I Preview / See In My Inbox?

Did you know that GoldMine's e-mail inbox, and each e-mail center folder can only display 1000 e-mails at any one time.  So it is really important to file or delete your e-mails if you are receiving large numbers into your inbox. If you don't when you go to retrieve new...