Filters & Groups sometimes are great for segmenting and finding data, but sometimes a SQL Query just works best or is the only option, The GoldMine Guide to SQL Queries will teach you how to write those queries so you can get the most out of your GoldMine database. The...
Category: Manage Smarter
CCleaner removes the junk from your hard drive or SSD.
Want to clean and optimize your PC? You've probably heard of CCleaner, arguably the world's most popular tool for doing the job. It cleans out temporary files, cleans the Windows Registry, erases browser histories, and so on. The big news is CCleaner Version 4.05 now cleans Windows Event Logs and...
Are you using GoldSync and synchronising linked documents?
As of GM GoldSync has changed so that the Diagnostic Logging is on by default. This can have a huge impact on the times it takes to perform a linked document synch. It is important that you add the following setting to the GM.ini on all machines that use...
Give Your Sales Quotes a Face Lift
Are you already using QuoteWerks to produce sales quotes for your business? QuoteWerks is the #1 quote writing software on the market. Did you know you can now use MS-Word templates for your quote layouts? You still input all of the info into your QuoteWerks quote and a PDF file...
Free Disk Space Analyzer
I recently had a customer call in about not being able to save email attachments. Upon investigating the issue it turns out they had run out of disk space on the hard drive that they were storing email attachments on. The hard drive itself was about 500 gigs and it...
SQL Query – Duplicate Contacts
The following SQL Query will display a list of contacts with the same contact name. You can then browse through the list to see if they are any potential duplicates. Select accountno, contact, company, phone1, city, state From contact1 Where contact in (Select contact from contact1 group by contact having...
Is Your PC Running Slow? Maybe it’s time to DEFRAG!!
Defragging is one of those things – like doing the dishes or picking up the clothes off the floor – that you know you should get around to doing, but for some reason it’s so very difficult to find the time to do. There’s no doubt that it’s important. Yet,...
SQL Query – Possible Missed Follow-ups
The following SQL Query shows who you’ve had a call or appointment with in the last 60 days. The list generated can then be used to determine who you've followed up with and who you haven't. You can update/modify the query below to show more or less days and don't...
How to Setup/Configuring GoldMine Email Center for IMAP
GoldMine Premium Edition users are able to use the IMAP Protocol and POP3 Protocol. For most people setting up POP3 is pretty straight forward, however, setting up IMAP is a little different. The following is how to configure IMAP. To do this you will require an IMAP enabled email server...
POP3 vs IMAP vs Exchange/MAPI
POP3, (Post Office Protocol) POP, or Post Office Protocol, is a way of retrieving email information that dates back to a very different internet than we are use to today. Computers only had limited, low bandwidth access to remote computers, so engineers created POP in an effort to create a...