The following 7 capabilities are NOT optional. They are "Marketing Musts" and to achieve them every business is better off with a CRM application. Maintain an accurate central list of all your prospects and customers. Track details on those relationships that are used for marketing, sales and analysis. Segment your...
Category: Featured
GoldMine 2018 General Overview Video
Don't see the video? Use the link below. GoldMine 2018.1 General Overview Video
In the Spirit of the Season
In today's fast and competitive world, there are many people who are bullied and feel like "Sparky." In the spirit of the season I offer you the following story. May the true story of "Sparky" offer hope, inspiration, and just a good feeling that is associated with the season. Merry Christmas...
First Direct Earns QuoteWerks Award
First Direct Corporation is proud to report that Aspire Technologies, makers of the award-winning quoting application, QuoteWerks, has announced that First Direct is the #1 Partner in the USA (#4 worldwide). Please contact (845) 221-3800 or click here if you'd like to see a private demonstration of QuoteWerks or discuss your...
Audacious Honesty as a Sales Strategy
au·da·cious /ôˈdāSHəs/ (adjective) - showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks. synonyms: bold, daring, fearless, intrepid, brave, courageous, valiant, heroic, plucky. hon·es·ty ˈänəstē/ (noun) - the quality of being honest. synonyms: integrity, uprightness, honorableness, honor, morality, morals, ethics, principles, high principles, righteousness, right-mindedness. Sales can be thought of as...
GoldMine 2018.1 Released
What’s New in GoldMine 2018.1 GoldMine Premium 2018.1.0.261 / GoldMine Connect 2018.1.0.184 Includes all functionalities added after GoldMine 2017.1 and any added in the 2017.1 Hot Fixes. GoldMine Web Web customization • New customization controls for the User > Settings > Contact Details area: • Hide/show/change order of sections: •...
The Formula for Success and Growth with Your CRM System
IS YOUR ORGANIZATION READY FOR THE NEW ECONOMY? This is a Simple Formula for Success and Growth with Your CRM System *U2 -> Total # CRM Users x Level of Usage Increasing the number of CRM users in your organization AND making greater use of your system, you achieve greater...
GoldMine 2017.1 Hotfix 3 Released
What’s Fixed in GoldMine 2017.1 Hotfix 3 Unable to set the GMGoogleSync configuration, error when trying to access http://localhost/goldmine/configuration - Server error in ‘. Goldmine/Configuration' Application If a non-master user has the option 'Add New' unchecked under the Access Tab of Tools > User's Settings > Properties, they won't be...
How to find the IMAP folder structure for “Sent emails” on your mail server using Microsoft Outlook?
Issue: Emails sent from mobile devices or other email clients are not auto-linking in GoldMine when users log into GoldMine Web. This is most likely due to the incorrect configuration of GoldMine Web/GoldMine Connect, and the name used for the SENT ITEMS folder on your mail server. Resolution: [STEPS] 1....
Email & Newsletter Design Considerations
Email marketing consists of much more than just sending an email newsletter. While most business owners focus on their email newsletter, and invest in a custom, branded email template design — they forget about the many other types of email marketing messages they will need to send and then end...