We are disappointed with the FrontRange Solutions announcement to discontinue their GISME (GoldMine Integration for Microsoft Exchange) product. Below is the email that GoldMine Partners received 7/24/12 which explains what GISME users will be receiving: GoldMine customers are welcome to contact First Direct Corp. at (800) 935-4386 to discuss what...
Author: Bob Ritter
Less Tabs – Less Clutter
The GoldMine Administrator has the right to set the GoldMine Record Tabs for users on a global basis. Displaying less tabs in the record reduces clutter and choices. In addition, the Tab order can be set. For example, if your firm is not using GoldMine's Automated Processes capabilities, or even...
First Direct Corp Awarded #1 WorldWide GoldMine Partner 2012
5/31/2012, Colorado Springs, CO --- On a clear Colorado evening, Paul Petersen, Vice President and General Manager of FrontRange Solutions, maker of GoldMine, announced Bob Ritter, President First Direct Corp as the # 1 Worldwide GoldMine Partner in 2012. The announcement was made at the annual FrontRange/GoldMine Solutions Partner Conference. ...
What's Another Word for "Code?"
What is another word for "code?" That's a question one needs to answer for best results with GoldMine software. The concept of "coding" shows up many times in GoldMine. Generally speaking, the GoldMine Administrator sets up your look-up list of "codes" and the users simply select the most appropriate choice....
Using SQL Queries to Trouble Shoot GoldMine Automated Processes
If you're a GoldMine Administrator or someone who builds Automated Processes in GoldMine then you are bound to run into the need for the following: Finding all records in GoldMine that have any Automated Process attached Finding which records in GoldMine have a particular Automated Process attached. Finding which records...
GoldMine Adminstrators … Do you have what it takes?
Do You Have What It Takes To Be The GoldMine Administrator? No one is more relevant to the success of your CRM system than the GoldMine Administrator! These days, CRM software is an integral application that enables businesses to work more effectively as a team and improve productivity. It’s easy to...
GoldMine 9.0.4 Released
FrontRange Solutions (FRS) announced 3/8/12 the release of GoldMine Premium 9.0.4. Here is a link to the all the Premium Release Notes posted on First Direct's site. On FRS's cover to the announcement of the release they write and I quote, "As with all GMPE service packs, the biggest driver...
How To Make The GoldMine Login User Name, Default To Your Own Login Username
In order to configure your GoldMine to have your "Username" appear automatically in the window of the log-in splash screen and not some other usersname, here is what you need to do: 1. Log out of GoldMine and then find the GoldMine icon/shortcut on your desktop* and "right click" on...
The Balanced Entrepreneur
A little known fact about me, Bob Ritter President of First Direct Corporation, is that I attended Babson College in Mass. and I am the first of 5 students to graduate with what was a new major at that time "Entrepreneurial Studies." Babson has a world-class reputation in business education...
Happy Holidays the “Jib Jab” Way
Let a group of the First Direct Singers entertain you as we wish you all a joyous holidays and a prosperous & healthy new year! Bob Ritter, President