What About Email Marketing Stats?

93% of B2B marketers use email to distribute content. (Source: Content Marketing Institute) What we know! We know that consumers check their email daily.  According to Litmus.com 2018, over 50% and rising of all email is opened on Mobile devices.)  We know that consumers prefer email communications over being called by...

GoldMine Data Assessment

Assessing the quality of your CRM data is an important way to shed light on possible data cleanliness errors and marketing holes (missing emails, address, etc) in your GoldMine database. Findings offer actionable opportunities for improving the quality of your data, your sales team's discipline and the effectiveness of your marketing. ...

Special GoldMine Power-user Training

CRM IS A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE - the better you can use your CRM software that greater your advantage. What could you learn about using GoldMine to market and sell better if you could watch a GoldMine power-user with 25+ years experience working in their GoldMine software?    You would see how...

GoldMine RESTful API

REST and HTTP(S) The internet works via HTTP(S). HTTP is a stateless protocol that has a standard set of methods. Your web browser (Google, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.) communicates with web servers by speaking in HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE and the web servers are configured...

CRM versus Spreadsheets and Email

As popular as CRM software is there's still a large portion of firms that rely on spreadsheets and email for the functions of a CRM application. After all, why pay for CRM when you already own those products. Since spreadsheets and email have been around so long, many people and...

Answering a Common Email Marketing Question

Given the popularity of email marketing today, you can probably appreciate why I hear the following question so often: How should I space out the emails in a campaign? Organizations planning a series or sequence of emails as part of campaign have a few options for deciding the basis for...

The most common email mistakes most people make

If you prefer to create your own HTML email templates, rather than use our email design services, there are a few things to keep in mind when you create your own email content. Below, I will go over some common HTML email coding errors and how to avoid them. Images,...

Helping you to market, sell and service better

"Is GoldMine all you do?" is something I am asked every now and then when I am on the phone with my clients helping them with their GoldMine issue(s). So I figured I'd take a few minutes to write about how First Direct Corp. can help you and your organization...

Marketing and Sales Start with an Idea

As the President of First Direct Corporation, I face similar challenges and demands that many of my customers do - one of the key being - How to drive new and repeat business?   It's Monday morning, I've taken care of the urgent items on my list for today - my...

CRM Software is a Tactic NOT a Strategy

Without execution you Are swirling down the drain.  It is not enough to have a vision.  And, not enough to have a brilliant strategy.  Without tactics and good execution a business is doomed. Successful businesses identify a market.  They position themselves over their competition.  And they prove themselves through their...