Integrating GoldMine with other applications

In the following video presentation I demonstrate one way of  integrating GoldMine with a number of different web applications. Whether that be integrating GoldMine with an email marketing system to add/subscribe contacts to a subscriber list, such as MailChimp or Constant Contact, OR if it's adding GoldMine contacts to an...

Creating Filters in GoldMine based on data in the Tabs

Out-of-the box, GoldMine does not allow you to build filters based on information in the tabs (History, Pending, Details, Cases, etc.) Filters in GoldMine can only be created based on the values in the fields on the screen(s). There are two "types" of fields in GoldMine, a system defined field...

Chickens, Goats and CRM

With Labor Day behind us, the end of Summer, Sat. Sept. 23rd, is around the corner.  I hope your year is shaping up nicely. This year I decided to raise chickens and goats.  I built coops, barns, shelters, fencing. I studied and learned what I could to prepare myself. Finally,...