Now is a Good Time to Review Your Backup

Now is a Good Time to Review Your Backup

Now that warmer weather is arriving, in our neck of the woods anyway, many people are taking the opportunity to clean up their yards, their garages, their vehicles, and all the other tasks that need attending.  The trees are budding and the flowers are beginning to display signs of life.  The Earth comes alive with color, the bees get to work and even the wasps are a sign of more enjoyable days to come.  All is again well with the world.  Or is it?

While you languish in the newfound beauty of spring and all the activities you can finally enjoy, how much thought have you given to the things that can bring it all to a screeching and stressful halt?  How much thought have you given to your backups?  Do you know for certain that your backup procedures are really working?  Do you know where to find your backups or even how to restore your data from a backup?  These are all questions you should be asking yourself on a regular basis.

Backups are one of the things you don’t typically consider unless you’ve experienced the misery of not having them when you need them.  You can’t touch them, you can’t feel them, you can’t smell them, so often any thought of backups gets put on a shelf and shoved to the back while all the feel-good stuff takes the front row.  You allow yourself to be lured into a false sense of security and the price of this can have devastating effects on your business and even your life.

I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve received a call from a frantic customer that has accidentally deleted data or made mass changes to data that didn’t turn out the way they intended, and only then they find they have no useable backups to undo the damage.  Don’t be that customer!

If we have never reviewed your GoldMine/SQL backup plan, now would be an excellent time to schedule taking a look at what you have and making sure it’s working.  We can also discuss additional ways to safeguard your backups against loss or possibly improve how they are being accomplished and maintained.  Also, keep in mind that even if you are doing proper backups, how they are stored is equally important because should your backup storage media fail or be lost, it is no different than not backing up at all.

Some common causes of data loss are:

1. Hardware failure.
2. Virus/malware – Infected files, ransomware, etc.
3. Data corruption
4. User error resulting in lost data.

If you would like to review your backup procedures, please give me a call or contact us to discuss how we can work to give you the peace of mind needed to help you enjoy what this time of year brings.

What’s Your Organization’s Backup Strategy?

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