Here is an update video for the Malformed E-mail Address Cleaner application for GoldMine. In this video I demonstrate the ability to update/edit a malformed email address to be a valid email address. There are times when a malformed or invalid email address just needs to be updated to make...

Malformed E-mail Addresses Cleaner for GoldMine CRM

A video presentation on a simple web application for removing/cleaning Malformed Email Addresses within your GoldMine CRM database. Avoid sending to bad email addresses when bulk sending! Malformed emails are email addresses that are not properly formatted. GoldMine does not force validate that a value entered into as an email...

Email Address remover for GoldMine

A video presentation of a web application that allows GoldMine users to remove email addresses from GoldMine in bulk from a csv file. Customers who have had their contacts email addresses scrubbed or cleaned using a 3rd party list cleaning service such as or and want to manually...

Custom CSV File Importer for GoldMine (Part 2)

A short video presentation of a custom CSV file importer for GoldMine that allows you to import primary contacts with up to 2 associated emails, additional contacts with up to 2 associated emails, custom details and custom fields. Additional functionality is possible using a custom csv file importer vs GoldMine's...

Custom CSV File Import Web App for GoldMine

A video presentation (8 Mins) on a custom csv file import app I created for a client to be able to import data from a csv file into matching GoldMine records. If you have a need to import data from csv into GoldMine and GoldMines' native CSV file import...

Who Do You Love?

A Valentine's Day Thought about Using CRM . . . Do you remember the old song "Who Do You Love?" written by rock & roll pioneer Bo Diddley. He recorded in 1956, it is one of his most popular and enduring works. The song represents Diddley's lyrical combination of hoodoo-type imagery...

How to Link Your GoldMine with a Custom Application

A video presentation/demonstration on how to extend or enhance your GoldMine by connecting it with a custom application. Over the years many GoldMine customers have asked about ways of customizing GoldMine or extending GoldMine features to track complex data relationships, ie Project Management, Order Tracking, Inventory Control systems, etc. The...

Long Time ACT! Users Migrating to GoldMine CRM

When I first started selling GoldMine "Contact Manager," thirty-plus years ago, my main competitors were ACT! and Maximizer. Over the last 10 years those products have lost a great deal of market share. Surprisingly, there are still a lot of CRM users on those products, many with very old editions....

The Best of the Best for Success in 2022

The beginning of a new year is a time when many of us start to do some thinking about how to make the coming year more successful. Now a days, "thinking" often means doing some "googling." I googled for ideas for "business success" using a variety of search phrases. As...