Penny Wise and Dollar Foolish

Is a discount or promotion the reason to buy CRM?  While special promotions help to close sales, they’re not the reason I sell CRM, and they certainly should not be the reason one purchases it! When it comes to CRM, you spend money to make money! You purchase CRM to...

Got Skills?

From surgeons to carpenters, from police officers to accountants … every profession uses tools.  And, so it is with sales professionals.  CRM is far and away one of the most important tools in a salesperson’s toolbox! Professionals need to know the terminology, trends, and facts in their field.  They need...

If Not, Why Not?

I hear it all the time:  We want to do more marketing with our CRM.  We want to pull in leads from our website.  We want to automate follow-up communications to qualified leads. We want to be able to maintain a library of template letters and emails and we want...

How to put a “Folder” on your GoldMine Taskbar

The Taskbar is an incredibly handy feature in GoldMine. And, because I find a lot of organizations and users are either not aware of or are not using it, I should begin with a brief explanation of the GoldMine Taskbar. On a tangent note, it never ceases to amaze me...

Time To Revisit Your Users’ Menu Rights

As you know, in GoldMine Premium some pull down menus have changed. And, some new features have been added. So for all of you GoldMine Administrators out there, it’s time to revisit your “User Properties” and “Security Profiles” in order to update their available “Menus.”  When you do, the User Properties dialogue...

RSight Takes GoldMine to the Next Level

Our Golden Nugget this issue is about company called RSight Investigations, Inc.. (  As their name implies, RSight provides investigative services to the insurance industry, employers, TPAs, and others. The RSight organization started using GoldMine since its inception in 1999.  The customer had originally contacted First Direct back in Sept....

SQL Queries

In this issue of GoldMine Success I’ve already mentioned SQL Queries.  But I realize that many of my readers don’t know what I’m talking about when I say “SQL Queries,” let alone why this is such a great feature in GoldMine Premium.  So, this article will provide you a brief...

Access to Information

This article begins with comments about the value of information and then progresses on to offer some suggestions for using GoldMine Premium. If “information is power” then your access to it will determine your power to sell.  Here’s another old adage that speaks to the point of this article.  Know...

One-Too-Many Details

One of the many advantages of GoldMine over other CRM applications like ACT! and Outlook Business Contact Manager is the “Details Tab” that GoldMine has for storing “one-too-many” types of information.  Unlike a “Flat Field” which can only store one entry per field per record, the “Details Tab” stores data...