Pros and Cons of Using an Online Backup System

Many people are starting to use an online backup service to store their documents. Businesses will use this to keep their files safe in case of a break-in or disaster at the actual office site. Home workers may do this in order to have a secure place to store their...

GoldMine Premium Edition 9.0.1 Released January 10th 2011

The GoldMine product team is pleased to announce the release of GoldMine Premium Edition 9.0.1 which will be  available next week. As with all GMPE service packs, the biggest driver for GMPE 9.0.1 is product quality.  This release contains over 50 fixed issues for improved product stability and quality.  For...

How To Globally Update “Recently Viewed:” Contacts Count

The default number of "Recently viewed:" contacts is 50, and it is suggested that users change this to 20-25 for better performance and usability. Ask the GoldMine Administrator to globally update/set the number of "Recently viewed:" contacts for all users, you can run the following SQL query from SQL Management...

Use this free tool to discover your perfect subject line

Your subject line is the most important factor for deciding whether people open your email. Depending on the email client they're using, your recipients might see just 25 characters of your subject line. This Subject Line Checker lets you preview your subject line across a range of email clients and...

Sending Attachments with GoldMine Email vs Internet Email

Did you know that GoldMine handles user-to-user email attachments differently than Internet email. What are GoldMine user-to-user emails? GoldMine user-to-user emails are emails that are sent directly from one GoldMine user to another GoldMine user without using an email address.  These inter-office emails are sent from one GoldMine user and...

Adobe Acrobat PDF Maker and GoldMine Word Link

As you all know, the Adobe Acrobat PDF Maker toolbar can "disable" the GoldMine Word Link menu in Word. Here are some instructions for getting the GoldMine menu to come back: PDFMaker is an Acrobat feature that operates within many business applications, including Microsoft Office applications. When Acrobat is installed, PDFMaker...

Importing Contacts into GoldMine (dBase) via Excel 2007

There are three stages to follow when importing records into GoldMine from an Excel 2007 data source. The first is the preparation of the data in Excel, the second involves saving the Excel 2007 data as a csv file format and the third step involves using the import feature of GoldMine. This guide...