We learned from the manufacturer of GoldMine that the NetUpdate for Premium Edition version 9 is working for some customers but not others, unfortunately, and it can be difficult to troubleshoot. FrontRange suggests that you try to netupdate as follows: Connect to netupdate (help, update GM) with your support username (email address) and password. (Forgot...
Author: Bob Ritter
GoldMine Premium 9. – “I Like …”
This post is intended to offer some highlights about features I and others like about the way 9.x works. With the release of GoldMine Premium 9.x there's a a lot to like and some things not to like. To read an announcement of the GoldMine Premium 9.x release click here. ...
GoldMine Premium 9.x – Upgrade Heads-Up List
With any major release it's a story of the "good, bad, and the ugly." GoldMine 9.x is out of the gate and now we'll all start to find things that may be intended or otherwise, but which might be helpful to be aware of either going into the upgrade or...
New GoldMine Premium 9.0 is Released
FrontRange Solutions announced the release of the latest update of GoldMine Premium Edition - GMPE 9.x. This update includes many significant enhancements. Product Features include: Configurable CRM Dashboards Compatible with the latest Microsoft® technologies, including in-depth integration with Microsoft® Outlook® Modern look and feel makes GoldMine Premium Edition easier to...
GoldMine Premium 9.x Release Postponed
On May 20th the GoldMine Product Team announced that in testing the latest GMPE 9.0 build FrontRange found issues that require additional investigation. As a result they've decided to postpone the release of9.x, which was previously anticipated in May. A target release date was not offered, and First Direct will announce the 9.x product...
The Power of Repetition
We hear the word repetition used over and over again in marketing. Especially from anyone trying to sell us advertising! Maybe they’re just trying to sell us something, or maybe they know something. Here’s eight (8) smart reasons to use repetition with your marketing communications and what it can do...
Stop Paying Rent on Your CRM Software
Why pay rent year after year, and still not own your data? For less than a year's rent you can own your GoldMine CRM software license and use it as long as you want! Don't rent when you can own for less. Other Benefits: Off-Line Access - You can use...
Searching for “Details in GoldMine”
GoldMine software allows users to store information in many places. Where you should put it depends on the nature of what you want to store and track, as well as how you want to search for and report on the data. The purpose of this post is not to address that decision,...
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First Direct Corp. is now on Twitter. You can Follow Us on Twitter @ - http://www.twitter.com/1stdirect About Twitter- Twitter is a rich source of instant information. Stay updated. Keep others updated. It's a whole thing. Customize Twitter by choosing who to follow. Then see tweets from those folks as soon...
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