What’s Fixed in GoldMine 2014.1 Hotfix 7
GoldMine Premium Edition 2014.1.0.503 / GoldMine Mobile Edition 2014.1.0.686
Notes: To upgrade GoldMine Mobile, it is necessary to uninstall any existing version and install GMME 2014.1.0.686 as a new installation. It may also be necessary to clear device/browser cache. Messages sent by the GoldMine Messaging Service for GoldMine Mobile can be configured to include a link to the alarmed activity. With this version, the link may not open the activity.
161695 Unable to enable GoldMine Messaging under the Messaging tab in System Settings
215970 Outlook hangs when trying to link emails to GoldMine when images have been removed and only the placeholders exist.
219742 When searching for a contact within the GoldMine Mobile contact list the results screen is unstable
221322 ERROR: row cannot be located for updating, some values may have been changed since it was last read when auto retrieving Web Import emails