24 Marketing Tips For Your Business

You've probably experienced it before - a promise of something great; however, never got the results you were promised or expecting. It is quite easy to feel at home with not spending money on marketing when this has been your experience.  Small business owners will tell me, "I've tried that...

“Round Robin” Assigning of New GoldMine Leads

Is your GoldMine connected to your website so that you can capture leads from your web forms and automatically create/update new Contact Records in GoldMine? Would you like to do a “Round Robin” assignment of the "New Leads" to your GoldMine Sales Reps? Well, with GoldMine, you can do that...

GoldMine Mobile Edition Now Included with Purchase of GoldMine!

GREAT NEWS!  GoldMine Mobile Edition is now FREE with the purchase of GoldMine Premium Edition. Features and Functionality of GoldMine Mobile Edition Real-Time Access Anywhere GoldMine Mobile Edition allows instant, wireless access to mobile users using the widely popular Apple iOS mobile device platform. Rich user interface GoldMine Mobile Edition...

Record Ownership and Record Curtaining

I recently had a conversation with a customer about how to prevent other Sales Reps from calling/contacting other Sales Reps customers or even seeing the email communications between other Sales Reps and their customers/prospects. This conversation comes up a lot, so I wanted to add this post so people are...

When to use parentheses when building GoldMine filters

GoldMine filters allow you to segment contact records based on data in the record fields.  When creating a filter with multiple values in the same field in conjunction with other fields you need to use the  OR and AND boolean operaters.  It is important to understand how and when to...