Since day one GoldMine has been a great tool for tracking activities (Calls, Appointments, Actions, Email, etc.). Now with the new GoldMine Premium Edition and its new Case Management capabilities you can manage technical support issues, customer service requests, and other types of matters.
Case Management will be very useful for IT departments, customer service departments, administrators, and others who require a better way of tracking and managing their issues. The new Service Center provides a consolidated view of all “cases.” Within the Service Center one can filter by various elements and then drill down into more details on any specific case.
Cases are tracked against contact records or other “GoldMine Record Types.” GoldMine’s Case Management enables you to categorize cases, track their origin, relate cases to a product, prioritize them, indicate a “due date,” and assign a person to manage each case.
Incident tracking with Case Management provides the first step to a more proactive business process. Case Management comes with other essential basic tools that will help organizations provide better service to their customers, thereby improving customer loyalty and helping them to manage their resources more effectively.
The “Alerts” feature makes it easy to identify Open Issues in the Service Center which are “Past Due.” They can be escalated or reassigned as called for. Statistics on open, closed, and past due cases provide a vital big picture and focus for both your support staff and supervisors.
FrontRange Solutions realized that GoldMine’s Knowledge Base (a.k.a. the InfoCenter) could be applied to the handling of support issues and has integrated it into Case Management. The Knowledge Base gives GoldMine users access to documentation which will help them to close cases more rapidly with less training. Users can research a topic and then incorporate findings into a resolution and email them to the customer/client.
Since issues are tracked inside GoldMine, in the new “Cases” tab of the corresponding GoldMine record, the whole organization will be informed of issues. Sales reps are kept in the loop on matters pertaining to their customers. Case Management adds significant value to organizations. And, it’s not all you get with the new GoldMine Premium Edition!
Wish to see a personal demonstration of Case Management along with the other attractive features in the new GoldMine Premium Edition? Email or call (800) 935-4386.