The following is a link to a pdf that shows the major differences between using IntelliClick to create/send/track your email campaigns vs using GoldMine's built in Constant Contact integration.
Author: Jay Dymond
Virtual Machines
Yesterday I had a customer that was still using a version of GoldMine 5.5 Standard Edition (GMSE 5.5) and they had purchased the upgrade to the current version, which at the time of this writing is GoldMine Premium Edition 2013.1. In order to upgrade from GoldMine SE 5.5 to GMPE...
Are you using GoldSync and synchronising linked documents?
As of GM GoldSync has changed so that the Diagnostic Logging is on by default. This can have a huge impact on the times it takes to perform a linked document synch. It is important that you add the following setting to the GM.ini on all machines that use...
GoldMine and Constant Contact have teamed up
We are pleased to announce that GoldMine and Constant Contact have teamed up to provide you with a powerful new way to manage your email marketing. Constant Contact is the worldwide leader in email marketing – and GoldMine is a leader in premise based CRM. The Constant Contact integration with...
GoldMine Premium Edition 2013 Goes Gold
We are pleased to announce that the latest version of GoldMine is now available. (As a result of new version numbering system, whereby the main release number is based on the year followed by the build number, this release version is numbered 2013.1.0.2326 August 2013.) NOTICE: Please read about...
IntelliClick Announces “OnClick” Tracking within Your Web Pages
DIG DEEPER WITH GOLDMINE IntelliClick now provides you with even more information about your web site visitor behavior. In addition to tracking the pages they browse, now you can track what specific links they view within your web site pages. This "Digital Body Language" input is another way to engage...
Are Your GoldMine Email Marketing Campaigns Failing During The Sending Of The Emails?
Every so often I get a call on the Help Desk from someone who says that their GoldMine email campaign is failing in the middle of the send and they are not sure why. If this is happening to you, the following are most likely the reason(s) and some things...
What’s Fixed in GoldMine Premium Edition 9.2.1 HOTFIX 7 (
What's Fixed in GoldMine Premium Edition 9.2.1 HOTFIX 7 ( Note: GoldMine Premium Edition 9.2.1 Hotfix 7 includes fixes from all prior 9.2.1 releases, including hotfix 1 through 6. Connection failed. access to the host was denied after applying Windows update KB2813170 on x64 Hosts Contact search center (CSC) window...
SQL Query – ALL GoldMine Email Addresses (Primary and Additional)
select, contsupp.address2, isnull(contsupp.contsupref,'') + isnull(contsupp.address1,'') as Email, contsupp.mergecodes from contact1 left outer join contsupp on contact1.accountno=contsupp.accountno where contsupp.rectype='P' and'E-Mail Address'
Free Disk Space Analyzer
I recently had a customer call in about not being able to save email attachments. Upon investigating the issue it turns out they had run out of disk space on the hard drive that they were storing email attachments on. The hard drive itself was about 500 gigs and it...