Invest Time to Save Time, and Make Money! What if you could predict the future? If you could anticipate what people will do, would you leverage that knowledge for success? You can and here’s how! The other day I was in my first working meeting with a new client. I...
Author: Bob Ritter
Technology and Sales – A Love-Hate Relationship
By now most sales executives accept the need for technology, even though many still love to hate it. Then there are those sales people, probably the majority, for whom technology is a love-hate relationship which swings back and forth, albeit onesided. But strange as it seems, I love my technology!...
How to Use Reporting to Grow and Manage Your Business
A two-part look at how organizations can use reporting of information in their customer relationship management (CRM) system to increase sales and manage more effectively. Part I - 5 Ways Reporting Can Increase Sales We all accept reporting as a means for management to evaluate business activity of one type...
The Power of Repetition – Eight Smart Reasons to Use Repetition!
We hear the word repetition used over and over again in marketing. Especially from anyone trying to sell us advertising! Maybe they’re just trying to sell us something, or maybe they know something. Here’s what I know about the power of repetition and what it can do for you: The...
Announcement from Maker of GoldMine (Heat Software)
Today, the maker of GoldMine Software, including GoldMine Web and GoldMine Mobile, made the following announcement. "The release of GoldMine 2015.2 with a mobile responsive design means that a GoldMine user can access their database using desktop, laptop, tablet, and smart phone – all with the same data display and...
The Grass Isn’t Always Greener …
About one month ago I got the news from a customer of nearly 8 years that they were leaving us and GoldMine for Salesforce. Needless to say, I was rather disappointed. It was some consolation that they told us that they loved First Direct and the decision was not a...
You Can Use a Value in a GM Field to Trigger an Email
With a GoldMine Automated Process you can trigger an email to be sent to a record based on a value in a field. The same condition can also schedule an activity, such as a phone call, for a sale rep or other user. So let's say for example, you get...
You can update GoldMine data directly from Excel?
MMUpdater is an optional add-in for MasterMine for GoldMine that "opens up" data management. Everyone knows how to update an Excel spreadsheet: Type over. Find/Replace. Copy down. What if you could update GoldMine data in Excel and push those changes back into the GoldMine CRM Database instantly, in a guided...
You Can Use A SQL Query to Get Quick Totals
Most non-technical users of GoldMine are unaware of the vast capabilities of the SQL Database in which their GoldMine Premium Software runs on. The SQL Database allows us to write powerful queries to extract and manipulate data from our database. Aggregate Functions are one such basic feature. One of the...
Easy Way to Review Completed Activities
The GoldMine "Activity List" lets you easily view complete activities (Calls, Appointments, Next Actions, and so forth). Looking back over your own, or other users' completed activities has many benefits including: Identifying the need future follow-up, assessing the results of sales efforts and using findings for coaching, getting a sense...