Blogging versus Broadcasting

Thank you for subscribing to my blog!  If you haven’t already subscribed, I hope you will choose to subscribe after you read this post.

I also hope your company will consider being a more active blogger.

In this article I will speak to the advantages of blogging over broadcast email. 

Starting a blog is an intimidating project.  A journey begins with the first step.  And a blog begins with your first article.  In this blog post I wish to give you strong reasons to write your first article.  If you already have a blog I hope to encourage you to maintain and improve the content of your blog.



I. Blogging gives you a voice:

  • Your blog is a reflection of you and your business
  • Speak about your business, your staff and skills and your customers’ experiences
  • Share your ideas, opinions and recommendations
  • Say things in your own words and in your own personal way
  • The narrative (story/article) nature of a blog offers a format advantages which other medium lack
  • Content from one message can be linked to other relevant messages to tell a more complete story
  • Your blog may be the only outlet you have or can afford for your message
  • Various people in your organization can participate with special knowledge they have
  • Since a blog can be quickly and easily update your business can stay on top of and capitalize on trends





II. Blogging provides you more opportunities to:

  • Engage your visitors through links and forms
  • Reinforce your organization’s competence
  • Enhance your email and sales messages
  • Make announcements and report news
  • Inform and educate your audience
  • Promote features and benefits about your products and services in more in-depth ways
  • Keep consumers (your audience of prospects and customers) up-to-date
  • Analytics on your blog traffic can reveal more about your visitors interests and preferences





III. Blogging rewards your consumers and vendors:

  • Good blog content rewards existing customers which helps strengthen customer loyalty
  • Your audience can control opt in through subscription.
  • Your audience grows over time and as you provide useful content
  • Your customers can obtain information without having to interact with a salesperson
  • Your business can give exposure to vendors
  • A public that is searching for information may find what they are looking at from a search which leads them to your blog





BONUS: Blogging is an excellent value:

  • Posting to your blog is virtually free – it’s just a matter of investing the time to write a post.
  • Unlike advertising, your posts stay up to be seen years later
  • Unlike an email, a blog post is not deleted
  • Content is indexed by search engines and increases your organic rankings and likelihood of new and repeat traffic
  • Readers can easily share your content inside their organization

I will share with you a recent quote from a customer that should tie all of this together.  This customer, who I will leave nameless, wrote to me and said the following:

“I apologize for the delayed response. You probably won’t talk to too many people, today, who need to consider a new CRM more than we do. …  Since I read your very informative blogs, I understand that our system lacks some of the functionality that today’s CRM would offer, especially with regard to e – services (e-mailing and e-marketing). However, probably like many, we are frozen by the enormity of the “changeover project” which can be summed up in 3 words: fear, time and money.

From a business standpoint, you have succeeded in owning our minds. So, when we are forced to do something, you and Goldmine will be our first two thoughts. But, in addition to that, you and First Direct are regularly in our prayers.”

Now the choice is yours.  Have I given you enough reasons to take that first step and start blogging?  Please let me know by subscribing to this GoldMine Success blog.

First Direct Corp. can assist you with starting or improving your organization’s blog and integrating it with your CRM software and website.  Contact us online to discuss or give me a call personally at (845) 221-3800 x 101.

Thank you!

Bob Ritter
Publisher of
President of First Direct Corporation