Special GoldMine Power-user Training

CRM IS A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE – the better you can use your CRM software that greater your advantage.

What could you learn about using GoldMine to market and sell better if you could watch a GoldMine power-user with 25+ years experience working in their GoldMine software?   

You would see how they handle news leads, follow-up with prospects and build lists. You would see how they use shortcuts and tricks that are not in any GoldMine manual to be more productive. You would see how they maintain relationships with GoldMine CRM. You would see how they market and analyze business using their GoldMine database. You would see how they work as a team with others in their organization. You would see even more.

 If this GoldMine power-user was also the top GoldMine Authorized Partner over the last 15 years would that intrigue you further still?

Here Is Your Chance! 
I have just described myself and I would be happy to do a private coaching session for you for 50% off our regular price. PLUS, you can have up to 5 additional people from your firm join you at NO additional cost!

However, the savings is the least reason to take me up on this special off. The best reason to sign-up for my 90-Minute Special GoldMine Power-user Training Session is because you want to be a GoldMine power-user too.


Start selling more, marketing better, being more productive with my exclusive GoldMine Power-user Training Session.
You must fill out the following contact form to be eligible for this special offer. Once you submit your information and I will personally be in-touch with you to schedule our session together.

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