Most non-technical users of GoldMine are unaware of the vast capabilities of the SQL Database in which their GoldMine Premium Software runs on. The SQL Database allows us to write powerful queries to extract and manipulate data from our database. Aggregate Functions are one such basic feature. One of the more simple Functions is to return a count or total of all the records returned by your query. For example, if you want to know how many GoldMine Records you have in your database based on the Record Type, ie; Prospect, Vendor or Customer and assuming that you store the Record Type values in the Key1 field then you could write a SQL Query as follows:
Select Key1, Count(*)
From Contact1
Group By Key1
Order By Key1
You could even expand that to display the totals based on Contact Records added to the database in the past 3 months (90 days). Then the query would be as follows:
Select Key1, Count(*)
From Contact1
Where Createon >= GETDATE()-90
Group By Key1
Order By Key1