GoldMine 2019.1 HotFix 2 Released!

What’s Fixed in GoldMine 2019.1 HotFix 2

  1. When you add Name (additional) as a further criteria in the Contact Search Center (CSC) an error appears The multi-part identifier “cs.RECID” could not be bound.
  2. Website field of a Contact Record will not allow a trailing hyphen; the hyphen is removed on save.
  3. GoldMine crashing when opening an email with updated meeting information
  4. Could not login into GoldMine Incorrect Password! – Your Password does NOT meet the Security Policy when logging on with a proper and meeting the security requirements password or changing it
  5. Additional contacts tab does not display additional contacts when opening from the Contact Search center and already looking at additional contacts tab.
  6. Contact Search Center does not display additional contact’s name when Name(additional) is NOT a column and Search By column is used.
  7. When E-mail column is added in Contact Search Center and the Search by field is set to to Name (additional) an error appears The multi-part identifier “cs_em.CONTSUPREF” could not be bound.
  8. Additional Contacts tab column names needs to respect the AddContactFaxLabel GM.INI file setting
  9. When there are email addresses with LINKACCT is NULL, newly created additional contact records are not displayed if they don’t have an email address
  10. When there are email addresses of additional contact records with ADDRESS1 is NULL, the email address for additional contact records is not displayed in the Additional Contacts tab
  11. Event log error: The multi-part identifier “CS.ACCOUNTNO” could not be bound.
  12. When an Accountno has an apostrophe no additional Contacts are displayed neither existing nor newly created ones, although they are in the database