GoldMine Premium Edition 2015.2 HotFix 2 Released

GoldMine Premium Edition Version 2015.2 Hotfix 2

GoldMine Premium 2015.2.0.183 / GoldMine Connect 2015.2.0.357

Updated January 07, 2016

Note: Run the GoldMine Premium 2015.2 HF 2 installer for a new installation or to upgrade GoldMine Premium Edition 9.0 or newer. If you are  upgrading from a version of GoldMine previous to 9.0.0, you must first upgrade to version 9.0.0 before upgrading to this version.

Note: Run the GoldMine Connect 2015.2 HF2 installer for a new installation or to upgrade GoldMine Connect 2015.1 or newer. If you are upgrading from a version of GoldMine Connect previous to 2015.1, it is necessary to uninstall the existing version of GoldMine Mobile or GoldMine Connect and install GoldMine Connect 2015.2 HF2 as a new installation. It is recommended to clear device/browser cache and to restart IIS after uninstall/reinstall or upgrade of GoldMine Connect.

What’s New in GoldMine 2015.2 Hotfix 2

Email rule actions ‘File’ and ‘File To’ configured in GoldMine Premium are respected when email is retrieved during GoldMine Web login.

What’s Fixed in GoldMine 2015.2 Hotfix 2

Auto complete for F2 Lookup values leads in several fields to apply also the // description value instead only the real F2 Lookup value