When designing E-mail Templates, normally the default subject line of the template will be the name of the template in the Document Management Center, as you saved it. This does not have to be the case. Design your template, and make the subject line the default as you wish it...
Year: 2010
How to Close / Exit Out Of GoldMine Properly
Get into the habit of closing GoldMine correctly. There is a right way and a wrong way to close GoldMine. To exit GoldMine, go to File and click on Exit. Resist temptation to use the X in the upper right of your screen. When you close by File >> Exit,...
GoldMine SQL Query- Primary Contacts and Primary Email Address with Email & Mail Merge Code
The following is a SQL Query that will display the Primary Contact with their Mailing Address, Email Address and the associated Email Merge Code and Mail Merge Code. Select c1.Accountno, c1.Company, c1.City, c1.Address1, c1.State, c1.Zip, cs.ADDRESS2 as Primary_Contact, cs.CONTSUPREF as Email_Address, cs.Mergecodes as Email_Merge, c1.Mergecodes as Mail_Merge, cs.zip From contsupp...
Automatically Update The ‘Dear’ Field With First Name When Contact Field Is Filled In
The script below when added to the lookup.ini file will automatically populate the Dear field when a name containing at least two words are entered into the Contact field. Lookup.ini Script [AutoUpdate] Contact=Dear [Dear] Lookup1=Contact Otherwise=&trim(substr(contact1->contact, 1, at(" ", contact1->contact))) Overwrite=1 Instructions for use. Open the lookup.ini file (Notepad is...
My SQL Query Window Only Shows 10000 Records
When running sql queries in the GoldMine SQL query window by default it will only show the first 10000 records of the results. This can be expanded by adding the following line into the [goldmine] section of the gm.ini file. Sqlquerylimit=xxxxxx Where xxxxxx is the number of records you wish...
Reduce network traffic from GoldMine
GoldMine regularily polls the Calendar table to ensure that the calendar is always up to date. This polling interval can be increased to lower the amount of network traffic. Go to Edit -> Preferences (Tools -> Options in GMPE) and in the dialog box select calendar. Change the 'calendar refresh...
How to Display the Activity Code in GoldMine History Tab
By default, GoldMine’s history tab does not show the activity’s activity code, which is a code of up to three letters used to categorise activities (e.g. NEW if it is a ‘new’ sales enquiry or TS if its a 'technical support' activity). If you want this to show, open up your username.ini...
How to Filter/Display All Activities in History Tab for a Single Contact.
Have you ever looked through the history of a contact record and said “I would just like to be able to read over the emails I sent to Kevin”. GoldMine is structured in such a way that all history activities for the Primary and Additional contacts are displayed together in...
Find Information in any GoldMine Tab (History, Pending, Details…)
When on any of the GoldMine Tabs (History, Pendings, Details, etc.) press 'F3' to bring up a search box.
Upcoming Sharpen Your GoldMine Knowledge Webinars.
Sharpen Your GoldMine Knowledge We provide these Online Training & Events as a service to you! Learn practical information from an expert that will help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices. Date Event Name 02/19/2010 QuickBooks and GoldMine Integration 02/22/2010 An Introduction to Microsoft SQL Queries...