Using Color to Support Your Message

COLOR WHEEL: image-color-wheel
Graphic designers, interior decorators, and of course behavioral psychologists, have long made conscious use of color to create a mood or associate a feeling with their presentation.

The color wheel is a tool that any design professional can quickly put their hands on. But many of us in marketing and sales don’t have the expertise or resources at our finger tips when we go to create something as simple as an email, a quick flyer, or a banner ad. It doesn’t need to be that difficult to do little things which have a effect.

Here are some simple ideas for where you can apply color in your marketing communications:

  • Headline
  • Dominant color in a graphic
  • Background color
  • Key text such select copy, a “call-to-action” or your contact information
  • Fill in a text-box

Here is a link to a video about the emotional associations humans have with color. Below is a handy reference list.