Changing GoldMine Tab Names

Here’s  how to rename your GoldMine tabs to something more meaningful to your organization. For example, if you use the GM+Views tab, you might want to rename it to Intranet, or Web – this makes the tab name look more appropriate, as the GM+Views tab is a built in web browser for GoldMine.

You can add the following string to each USERNAME.ini file and it will override the default tab names on a user by user basis:


Or, alternatively, you can change every users tab names by adding the following to the GM.ini file:


As you can see, you need to just change the tab name to the required text. Simple as that!

NOTE:  Adding the ROTabs1 field to the .ini file won’t affect the ROTabItems1 values. The ROTabItems1 option holds the order in which each users tabs are displayed – and fickle users will get angry if you change it! All we are doing here is changing the default name mappings, NOT the order of the tabs.