A business contacted my firm. Generally as I ordinarily do when I get a new inquiry, I visited their website to learn about them.  Turns out they make funeral caskets.

Covid-19 is NOTHING to laugh about, but on their home page were a couple things that struck me as funny in a morbid way.  Please don’t be offended.

Let’s just start with the concept of giving away a “Free bottle of Maple Syrup with the purchase of a maple casket.”  Really?!   How could a bottle of maple syrup possibly be an effective incentive to choose one casket over another?   That doesn’t make sense on multiple levels!  LOL.

Then there is the bold copy right smack in the center of the home page.  It says, “For all updates on how Covid-19 affects Northern Casket’s clients, please check our Facebook page.”  Think about that!!  Who are their clients and how covid-19 is affecting them?

You might be wondering what’s the point of this blog post, since it would appear to have nothing to do with GoldMine.  Before I explain that I just need to share a bit of history about my business “First Direct Corporation.”  I decided on the name of my business at a time when “direct response advertising” was the focus of my consulting practice.  For nearly 15 years I taught “Direct Response Advertising” for Ad Majors at Marist College in NY.  I would also help businesses to develop or improve their direct response campaigns.  I still enjoy applying my knowledge and skills in this area.

Since the objective of a direct response advertising campaign is to generate a response which should be captured in a database, the connection to what I do today with the CRM software and other technology that First Direct offers is pretty apparent.

Here are some observations about the casket company’s website that are notable:

  • First, you need to catch people’s attention
  • Never underestimate the power of a bonus!
  • The objective is to engage your audience in order to convert a visitor to a click, a click to a lead … an so on
  • Always be building your list – in a social media world that translates to a like on Facebook, etc.
  • A message that goes viral will out perform any paid marketing communication

Direct Marketing Principle – If you make it easier for your prospect/customer you’ll lift (increase response). 

The firm’s website isn’t fancy but they have done something more important – they make it easy for visitors.  Here are 3 ways their website makes it easier for visitors to become engaged and to turn into leads:

1. Search for a product with a search tool right at the top of their home page.



2. Print out information on a product with a friendly “Print catalog page” bottom on every product page.



3. Contact them with their contact information highly visible on every page.





There is one problem with their website.  The promo has expired!






While a funeral casket business may be thriving on the business from the tragic and terrible deaths of so many people, I seriously doubt that Northern Casket intended to be funny!  Covid-19 is nothing to laugh about and they’d be the last to do so.  I wanted to show that applying sound marketing principles applies to any business.  By the same token, making a living and surviving as a business through these incredibly challenging times is serious business.

Be well!