Attachments with GoldMine User-to-User Email

You may already know there are two different kinds of emails you can send in GoldMine: Internet email and GoldMine user-to-user email. User-to-user email can be used when one GoldMine user wants to send an email to another GoldMine user who is on the same company GoldMine system.  An advantage of GoldMine “user-to-user” email is the way it stores your communications back & forth in the GoldMine record you’re writing to one another about. 

This post is intended to focus on one aspect of GoldMine’s email client that users need to be aware of.  When using GoldMine’s “user-to-user” email it handles attachments differently than Internet email.

By default, GoldMine sets users’ preferences to NOT send a copy of the attached file when sending email to a GoldMine user, but rather is simply creates a link in the email that “points” to the location of the originally attached file.  This is designed to help save space on your server but cutting down on the creation of duplicate copies of a the attachment.  This is an attractive feature, but it can cause two problems: 1) If the receiving user does not have access to that file location (like the sender’s desktop or My Documents folder) the receiving users will not be able to see or open the attachment. 2) Often the sender does not realise when they open the attachment they are opening and editing the sender’s original file, NOT a copy of the file. To avoid these two problems, simply change GoldMine users’ email preferences as follows:

In GoldMine go to Tools->Options… Email Tab… More Options button… and on the “Composing” tab uncheck the box “Send attachments as links for GM users.”