Word Link Security Issue

Hopefully, if you are a Goldmine user you are already taking advantage of GoldMine’s link to Microsoft Word. This link allows users to easily create MS-Word templates for use with GoldMine’s Document Management Center features. There are a few settings we recommend you change in MS-Word in order to make...

GoldMine Web Import

Do you have a web site that you generate leads from via web forms? If the answer is "yes," this is for you! With GoldMine's Web Import functionality every time someone fills out a web form on your web site the information can be automatically imported into your GoldMine database?...

If It’s Not In GoldMine It Didn’t Happen

When it comes to accountability, as a manager I often take the position “if it’s not in GoldMine it didn’t happen.”  Here’s what I mean and why it works so well. GoldMine can be used to document a lot of things!  And, as a workgroup solution, the information is easily...

Personalization and You

It’s a me, me, and me world.  Yet, in the world of sales, it’s all about you!  “You” being the prospect and the customer.  So what is it about “you” that matters? Ultimately, if sales people and marketers have any intention of serving our consumers, our focus must point to...