Testing Filter Expressions

Did you know you could test your dbase filter expressions using the “dBase Expression Tester” built into GoldMine? This tool is accessed from within GoldMine by pressing down the Control, Shift and letter “D” key simultaneously. This tool allows you to test any dBase expression against the active record. After writing or pasting your expression into top box, press the “Eval” button. If the active record meets the expression’s criteria the test will return a result of “TRUE.” On the other hand, it will return the result of “FALSE” if the GoldMine record does NOT fit the criteria. Again, the tester only evaluates the expression based on the active record, which is nice because you don’t have to waste time previewing your filters to see if they are written correctly. The dBase is especially handy for checking expressions you might use within Automated Processes or within the GoldMine Lookup.ini.