Score Your Success

How do you measure GoldMine® Success™? Test your GoldMine® Success™ by answering the questions below. Consider whether your organization is doing the ten things below with GoldMine. In each case that you are give yourself 10 points. Total your score to see how you are doing with GoldMine. (Or, for that matter, any contact management software.)

1. Changes to important information about a record (e.g., prime contact leaving, address, phone and email, etc.) are updated right away in GoldMine.

2. It is very common for us to communicate and delegate internally with GoldMine, thereby creating a history within the record.

3. We have designed filters to segment our database for marketing purposes.

4. Our Document Management Center contains ready-to-go letter and email templates for all standard marketing and sales communications.

5. Analysis of sales activities reflects our volume of prospecting and sales calls.

6. If a sale is pending to a prospect, there will be a forecasted sale in GoldMine.

7. Customers with a past due account have a GoldMine “record alert” and a history of any collection calls made.

8. We rely on reports of certain GoldMine data in order to operate more effectively.

9. We have GoldMine Automated Processes that perform regular functions.

10. Leads from our web site forms are automatically imported into GoldMine.

So, how did you do?

■70% or better: then your organization couldn’t live without GoldMine, or something to replace it.

■50 -70%: at least you’re getting your moneys worth out of GoldMine, but you’re not leveraging it the way you could or should.
If your score is disappointing, resist the knee-jerk reaction to blame GoldMine. There are lots of businesses that will score 100% on this quiz, and they’re simply the ones who dedicated the energy, focus and discipline to make it so! By the same token, we can all raise our score and do better if we make up our minds to do so.