Email Campaign Tracker – Demonstration

Event: Product Demonstration
Date: December 7th
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST

Register for an online demonstration of Email Campaign Tracker to see how easy it is for you to integrate your Email Marketing System with GoldMine CRM. Use Email Campaign Tracker’s  easy to use email hyperlink builder tool to create and insert  trackable email hyperlinks and open tracking code into your email marketing campaigns.

  • Automatically and instantaneously alert and notify your GoldMine users & assigned Sales Reps the moment your email recipients interact with your email campaigns.
  • Update the email recipients GoldMine contact record with what website hyperlink or  “Call-To-Action” hyperlink they clicked on.
  • Automatically trigger GoldMine Automated Processes to schedule sales calls, appointments, next actions, and/or send follow-up emails.
  • Plus much more…

Register for this demonstration of Email Campaign Tracker today and start integrating your emails with GoldMine.