WHY RIVA: GoldMine Customers looking for tight, reliable and secure integration between their GoldMine CRM and G-Suite, Gmail, or MS Exhange/Outlook Address Book, Calendar, Tasks and Email Folders find that there is no stronger solution than RIVA CRM Integration for GoldMine. Riva offers an exceptional means to take your GoldMine Mobile by ensuring you have your important GoldMine information available to you on your mobile device’s mobile applications.
Riva made an important announcement in May 2019 — Riva’s MS Exchange to CRM integration has achieve SOC 2 Certification. SOC 2 was created by the American Institute of CPAs as a means of ensuring the security, privacy, and confidentiality of customer data. SOC 2’s audit framework is a baseline that ensures service providers adhere to the proper handling, processing and management of customer data.
Here’s is an explanation by RivaCEO Aldo Zanoni:
“Riva has achieved AICPA certification through a SOC 2 engagement. Riva delivers the industry-leading CRM, calendar, and email integration platform for banking, insurance, life sciences, and other industries. In an age of data privacy disruption, Riva’s products ensure companies’ reputations are protected and employees’ communications are kept private, while maintaining enterprise security integrity.
This SOC 2 certification attests to the maturity of Riva’s corporate governance, established policies, processes, and procedures as a result of implementing its security-first strategy with Riva Cloud, Riva On-Premise, and related services.
To achieve SOC 2 certification, companies must demonstrate they adhere to, or exceed, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) standards and prescribed industry security standards and best practices. This must be proven through the successful establishment of security and data handling requirements, controls, and success criteria. The company must demonstrate it has implemented security compliance and integrity in all processes, at all times. Riva’s SOC 2 certification adds another layer of confidence to its secure offerings for enterprise customers.
Riva’s dedication to security is demonstrated, in part, by its quarterly third-party penetration testing and best-in-class technical solutions that include web application firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention, anti-malware, and enterprise-grade security event management systems.
Riva Cloud has expanded its SaaS global offering by going local and providing regional data centers that apply world-leading security and availability best practices. Based on their regional data residency and related compliance requirements, customers can choose to implement Riva Cloud in data centers in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia. Customers can also choose to deploy dedicated Riva Cloud instances to meet their regional privacy mandates and compliance obligations.”
Riva is an Edmonton-based software development company with solutions that help companies gather, discover, analyze, relate and harmonize customer interaction data across multiple sources, business units, and geographies. Riva’s customers include 15 of the world’s largest banks, all of the Canadian Big Five banks, 50+ Fortune 500 companies, and fast-growing companies of all sizes from around the world.
For a demonstration, information and sales assistance for RIVA, contact First Direct at (845) 221-3800 x 101.