Easy Way to Review Completed Activities

The GoldMine “Activity List” lets you easily view complete activities (Calls, Appointments, Next Actions, and so forth).  Looking back over your own, or other users’ completed activities has many benefits including:  Identifying the need future follow-up, assessing the results of sales efforts and using findings for coaching, getting a sense of productivity, etc.

Under the “Closed” section in the left navigation window of the Activity List there is a section below “Open” Activities that is called “Closed,” which represents “Completed” activities. Using the combination of toolbar functions in the Activity List Window you can filter by User, Date Range, Activity Type. You Can also use the “Grid Control” option called “Filter” in the local menu (accessible with the the right click inside the Activity List data area) to filter by any of the columns in the window. The data in view in the window can be sorted by any column, both ascending or descending by clicking on the column.  You can also “output” the viewed data to various formats (Excel, Word, Clipboard) via the local “Right Click” Menu.