Common Sense Database Practices

Once upon a time there was a company that made special kinds of products that were sold to special kinds of companies. This company made lots of sales each year, and each sale was worth a lot of money. One day, their GoldMine consultant was trying to help them work...

Upcoming GoldMine Training Classes

Sharpen Your GoldMine Knowledge We provide these Online Training & Events as a service to you! Learn practical information from an expert that will help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices. Date Event Name May 16 2012 GoldMine Filters, Groups, and SQL Queries May 21 2012...

Capture Your WebSite's Form Submission Data into GoldMine Automatically!

Wouldn’t it be nice if every time someone filled out a web form on your web site, the contact information was directly imported into GoldMine? Never re-key information again. TRY IT FOR YOURSELF Solidify your web marketing strategy and take advantage of the benefits associated with Internet marketing using GoldMine...

Are You Happy With How Your Email Campaigns Look?

Whether it's email stationery for everyday correspondence or a monthly newsletter to keep your customers informed, we can create customized HTML email and newsletter templates that are professional and standards compliant and perfect for your businesses needs. Why Use Our HTML Email Design Services? Save Your Time First Direct Corp....