GoldMine Help File Not Helping?

Microsoft recently released a security update which prevents GoldMine's Help feature from working properly. When your users go to view the help files it says the page can’t be displayed. Of course, these updates/patches have also made your machine more secure, so you should consider that before you decide to...

Reasons for Touching Base

Who hasn’t heard the following expressions to describe sales: contact sport, a numbers game, and dialing for dollars.  I’m sure you all have.  Surely the sales professional is a lot more than these things.  But let’s face it – if we wait for the business to come to us, we...

Removing Duplicate Records

Now that GoldMine has enhanced duplicate checking, those irritating little dupes should not appear too often. However accidents do happen and they are easy to merge together using record tagging. Having spotted a pair of dupes, simply bring up the Contact Listing Window to show the duplicate records. A double...

Logging into GoldMine Automatically

To setup your GoldMine so that it automatically logs in with your GoldMine username  here is what you need to do: 1. Right Click on the Short Cut Icon that you use to login to GoldMine with. 2. Select Properties 3. In the Target line you want to enter  after...

Creating and Using User Variables

You are not restricted to the four variables in the Personal tab in User Preferences when it comes to User Variables. Create extra variables by amending the username.ini file. (Bob.ini, John.ini, etc.), which can be found in your GoldMine root directory: C:/Program Files/GoldMine or G:/GoldMine, etc. Create your own custom user variables...